01 BP 2551, Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire +225 27 22 48 09 20 AfricaRice@cgiar.org

AfricaRice Genebank Survey – Evaluation of Rice Genetic Resources by NARS Partners

1. Nom et Prénoms (Full Name)
2. Institution de Provenance (Affiliated Institution)
3. Adresse Email (Email Address)
4. Contact WhatsApp (Phone Number with WhatsApp Access)
5. Which stress traits are you most interested in screening for?
6. What facilities are available in your country/institution for screening rice genetic resources as per Question 5?
7. Do you have access to hotspot locations suitable for screening the stress traits selected in Question 5?
8. (If Yes) Please provide the location details (department, region, or village):
9. Are there valuable rice genetic resources in your country that are endangered and urgently need conservation and/or collection in collaboration with the AfricaRice Genebank?